Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Olga Diaries

Today in the early morning my friend and I went for a walk, exactly to sleigh . It was eally early, because it was from 7:45 to 10:30 A.M.! Nah, we're not mad. It's kinda our tradition on the 1st of January (we're still not mad), but as you know we didn't sleigh on the 1st of Jan due to having better time. So today we finally fixed that problem, but we're going to do it one more time. Or more. :)
After sleighing I've been playing The Sims 3 for the whole day. Shame on me, I should've studied chemistry, but yesterday I realized that I didn't know anything anyway. Well, now after having a bath I'm going to study. Fortunately, there's no more homework for tomorrow. Actually, my chemistry studing isn't a home task - tomorrow I'll attend my teacher after lessons to find out how to correct my written test's mark. You know, I can't have such kind of marks - the worst ones. So wish me good luck tomorrow, because contact with my chemistry teacher drives me crazy.

Right now I'm watching "The Carrie Diaries". Oh my God, I'm weeping! I can already tell you I'm totally in love with this series. You would reproach me, but I haven't seen "Sex And The City", anything of this big world. But taking into account that "The Carrie Diaries" is the prequel to "Sex And The City", we can say the series about Carrie's youth is my first step.

I like the offscreen text there. Carrie "writes" real things, which happens in life of almost every girl. And I guess almost every girl has ever kept, or has tried to keep, or still keeps on keeping her own diary with her thoughts, dreams and secrets. Frankly, my diaries looks like a chronicle, my privat one. And where's my wise thoughts? Right there, in my mind. And when I try to put them on the paper, I realized it's all very sentimental, silly and useless, and continue writing about what have I eaten. But, maybe, in the future there'll be a series based on my diaries too? Who knows what I'll write about, when I am 25...

Yesterday I watched the Valentine's episode of "Glee". And you know what? I'm shoked! In the beggining I thought the episode wouldn't effect me much, but in the end...! OMG! So many things happened - but I won't say a word of it! The most impressive thing or correctly person of the "I Do" (the title of the episode) for me is Mr. Finn Hudson. He's just sex there. His speech with "She loves me" and "She loves me not" is simply the earorgasm.
Telling about the ears, my earaches has almost gone, only little reminding pain has remained. I'm glad the ache has gone relatively fast.
And the song of the day will be deluxe bonus of lovable Marina And The Diamonds named "Lonely Hearts Club". January to December - do you want to be a member?

Don't be lonely hearts - be brave!

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