Friday, April 13, 2012

Hard but Happy

Today has been our school conference, where I've presented my geographic examination paper. It's not the exam, but it's so nervous! But I've done it, and the results will be spoken the next week.
Now I'm tired and exited, maybe, I'll sleep a little bit.
Right now I'm watching GLEE, the "Big Brother" episode. Matt Bomer as Cooper Anderson is really cool and beautiful. He's actually hot. He's a new man to dream;)
And I'm eating beckon, washing down with the yoghurt. Is it normal?

well, or this way

Today the song of the day will be "Farewell" by Rihanna.
I really love that song. But usually I go away, not someone. I'm never sad, because I always return to home. But what will be when I leave from my hometown forever?
And one my friend left our city a year ago. Sometimes I actually miss him, we had learnt in school together for 7,5 years. Then he went. Now he lives in thousands kilometers from our island. 

Amm... What else?.. I don't know. I'm eating nuts. I want to sleep, but before it I should do my homework, if I have one. 

Be brave. Don't lose yourself

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