Thursday, January 16, 2014

Reactive Sloth

THORsday, whooo! What a busy day. But for some reason we didn't have P.E. skating lesson today, so I even had 30 minutes to doze off between my English lesson and chorus rehearsal.
Today my freedom has restarted. I'm not about that I was under arrest or something, but my dad had had a long vacation (about 2 months), and today was his first work day. I hope tomorrow after school I'll make something for YouTube; I spread my influence LOL
Tomorrow I'll have my last Mantoux (tuberculin) test ever. One day I wrote about this test, and the most important thing for children is that you can't eat sweets, junk food and citrus plants and get your spot of the injection wet for 3-4 days, because all these things will cause allergic reaction for the test and make your injection big and red. And if the spot of the injection is red and big, it means you have tuberculosis, but in fact you do not, you've just eaten a tangerine! Actually, sweets and chips aren't so dangerous for the test reaction, if you know when to stop. Last year I even made an experiment: I excluded all sugar from my food - I drank tea without sugar, I didn't drink coffee at all (because I can't bear it without sugar), I didn't even touch sweets and chocolates and all that jazz just to figure out if I could survive without sugar. And I could not. On the third day of the experiment I felt myself so bad, sleepy, weak, my head was swimming, so all my condition was poor enough to understand life without sugar sucked.
There's nothing more to write about (since yesterday, sure), so I suggest you some nice picture for the night as we all like it. A week ago I watched "Pride and Prejudice" with Keira Knightley again, therefore there's some fan stuff about the movie.

Oh, the song of the day! Let it be a dancing "Lei Che Lo Vuole" by Italian guys "Power Francers". 

Be brave!

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