Friday, August 9, 2013

Made In Japan

As I promised, today my post is about Wakkanai's festival. The right title is the 53rd Wakkanai Antarctic Port Festival. It was held on the 3th of August, and approximately 1000 people were dancing 2 Japanese dances: "North Sea top dance" and "Antarctic dance". We had learnt those dances a day before the fest, but anyway we mixed up watching at other groups dancing something their own. Talking about the groups, let me explain you the organisation. People are divided for the groups: a group of Wakkanai administration, a group of the hospital, a dance band, a group of pupils and etc. We were with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Wakkanai and Russian probationers. Every group had each own name board and each own style. In the end I learnt it was kinda contest, so there even was a winner group. Moreover, a group could dance its own version of the dance. All groups were settled in a big column, we moving up and down the streets, music being around. Each dance was about an hour, we had some 10 minutes breaks. Nakai-san hold our name board, but in the end I took it away and brought by myself.

Me, Nakai and Lera
The inscription reads "Chamber of Commerce and
Industry of Wakkanai, Russian probationers
and "Russian Terem" band".
Group of Japanese pupils
Russian street

Some of people wore really odd clothes, and it was amazing! 

I adore this giraffe

~Time of awesome stories~
That day in the morning we sang at the railway station, and I met there a girl from Hong Kong and invited her to listen to our performance. She liked us and even took a photo with us. And in the evening she met us at the festival by chance! So cool! We took photos again, though my pictures of her became not so good. I asked her name, so the girl is Enjole, or Enjore, or maybe just Enjoe - I couldn't hear with those loud music. Anyway, for some reason I was glad to see her again, she's nice.
I wanted to take a photo only with her, but no - other participants decided to do it too.

To sum up, I fell in love with the festival and would like to be there one more time. And more.

Me holding our name board

The interesting thing is that Wakkanai's elite participated in the fest as usual people too. They didn't need any body-guards, officials enjoyed the fest with "mere mortals". Russian authorities wouldn't do it, I'm sure.

There's a mayor of Wakkanai in the red clothes

To continue the theme of Japan, the song of the day is gonna be "Made In Japan" by Ysa Ferrer. Oh yes, it's a very old song, but it still stays cool.

Be brave, dance and look for things made in Japan

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