Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Best New Year's Celebrating Ever!

Oooooh, guys! I've got the bestest 1st of January ever! After the midnight, on about 1 a.m. on so on, I celebrated New Year with my friends from my class, and it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Firstly, we had a walk around city's celebrating places. It was so fun, but some people got cold very fast. In general, there're about 16 people.

Then one our friend Misha had to go home, so we saw him home. But instead of keeping on walking without Misha, we stayed in the guest of him! And it was also droll! Most of us slept, but some my friends and I stayed awaken.
When I, as almost all my friends, came back home, I slept, but it wasn't good enough because there were some reasons pretending my sleep. Anyway right now I'm going to sleep so well and deep as I want! But let's return to the story...
In some time, late in the day, my friend Dasha called me and told to prepare for the walk again, because the guys were going to gather together one more time. Of course, I wasn't against! So I prepared quickly and we went for the walk, but this time there were fewer people. Anyway, it was marvelous! And to tell the truth, the photos of our night walk don't differ much from our evening photos LOL

So now I've come back home again and I'm going to drink some tea and sleep.
I hope you had an amazing celebrating of New Year or Christmas too!
Moreover, my dear friend from Italy Antonio has his birthday on the 1st of January! My congratulations, caro!:D

Be brave! See you next time!

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