Saturday, March 1, 2014

Spring As We Know It

Well, I doubt if I can call it "almost here". This "almost here" will come in the mid of April, but comparing to a whole year, so yup, it's soon enough. You know, yesterday I got the best end of a month I'd ever had, but today's start of another month was just a simple day, even too sleepy.
Unfortunately, we didn't finish creating our dance for girls' competition, but I hope we will on Monday. I really do exercise at home trying to work my stretching ability up. And as long as I don't receive any criticism about my moves, I may think I do well.
Today I finished reading "The Lost Symbol" by Den Brown. What can I say? It's still wonderful! Though I guess many people would agree with me that two previous books of the series are better. And now I have "Inferno", and I can see people. like the book. But it doesn't mean I've already started reading "Inferno". I've decided to try reading "The Map of Time" by Felix J. Palma. Mr. Palma is Spanish, and I treat Spanish authors in different areas as really weird people. Don't get me wrong, but follow my thought: Miguel de Cervantes, Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso are known to be such free-minded and bold spirit men! But I anticipate reading "The Map of Time" easily and quick unlike "Don Quixot" (I didn't even finish it).

Going back to the talk about spring, so I reckon we'll be able to snowboard till the end of March. Dasha will be only glad to do that. And what about me, so yeah, I found a good reason to love winter.
Tomorrow I'll go out with Cherry Lady to have lots of fun about her birthday. Hashtag OMG, she's turned 18! She's come of age! Men, if I only turned 18 right now, we would... Oh, we wouldn't do anything outstanding, who I'm gonna lie to?
I can't help longing for coming of the 8th of March (Women's Day, you remember?). Firstly, I'll get new earphones from Ilya, because mine broke, and I asked him to present me something new as I presented him... 2 cups of Japanese noodles for our Men's Day of February, 23th. Secondly and the most exciting, our boys from the class are preparing a surprise for us, and we're all on fire to know what it is! After our nice presents for boys, they can't let it up! But for now I should outlive the competition that's gonna be held on the 6th of March, and then I'll be able to relax till... till the exams themselves, I suppose. 
Well, it's time for the song of the day. As I got some dreamy mood, the song of the day will be "Bulletproof" by Natalia Kills feat. Akon. Get romantic!

Be brave!

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