Wednesday, November 19, 2014


ATTN PLEASE! You know, I'd been working on the post about my little trip to Khabarovsk, but something happened that made me write this post. It's connected with one of the latest films, my favourite physic theme of spacetime and my ability to get deeply impressed. Use one word - "Interstellar".
According to how I do these things, firstly I'll put here some Wiki info about the movie. Interstellar is a 2014 epic science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan. Starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Michael Caine, the film features a team of space travellers who travel through a wormhole in search of a new habitable planet.
Actually, it's all I can take out of the Wikipedia article, because as for me, when I had read the whole plot described on several sites, I understood nothing. So you'd better watch. Even if you aren't fond of physics and don't know a sht about wormholes and gravity, you'll be able to get through the coolness of the movie. Of course, some terms such as singularity ain't for fools, but nevertheless they won't spoil you the impression.
The movie follows two lines - the Earth dying from damn plenty of dust and the space with our main characters trying to find a new home for the humanity. I adored the images of space, how they managed the spacecraft, how they rushed through the Universe. It was so realistic, I didn't even need any 3D to feel it through.
My favourite moment? Can't pick out one, The mos tearful moment for me? Hell yes, there's one. [ATTN may contain spoilers] When Cooper, the main dude, comes in the room in the hospital in the end of the movie and meets his all grown up daughter, takes her hand, they have a talk, she makes a long breathtaking speech, and I'm ready to let a weep out just writing it.
I've never thought that the Earth could die because of dust, 'a blight'. A grand earthquake? Maybe. An epidemic? Good enough. Crazy solar activity? Probably. But dust?.. Ok, let it be so, Mr Nolan.
Being a fan of sci-fi, the movie couldn't pass my heart on by without touching it. If you have an opportunity, go to the cinema. Just go and watch "Interstellar".

I also found an awesome gif in one lovely post about "Interstellar". Read it if you look for a good review and more pics (Let's use my old "VERY INTERESTING BLOG" tag here)

Be brave to dream of space

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