Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lana - American. Funny Geometry. Italiano

Yeah, today's song of the day is relaxing "American" by my favourite Lana Del Rey. Get it! *O*

I can't eat sweets, citrus fruit and wash and scratch a part of my left arm because of the Mantoux test. Aaaah, I will able to do all these things only on Friday! The most difficult thing is not to eat sweets! I adore sweets! Actually, you know, you can eat everything, but less than usually. So as a bad girl, I've just eaten a sweet. FUCK THE SYSTEM!
Tomorrow my friend and I will draw a poster for physics, because now there's a week of math and physics at school. So today, at the geometry lesson we've made these cool figures :3

My friend and I even have drawn some faces on the 3rd figure
Every pupil's made each own figures, I'm about that stencils haven't been common, everyone had to find in the Internet and then print for him/herself. If you're interested. My figures're called:
  1. octahedron
  2. octahedral pyramid
  3. truncated hexahedron
  4. and my madness LOL
At the weekend I finished reading a book about travels by one Russian author. Oh, it's so easy, funny and understandable! I must buy one more book by the author! She travels a lot due to her work, so she writes about it and what to do in deifferent situations.
My friend from my class will go abroad in some days for a bit more than 2 weeks, and we're going to miss him! Btw, he's the guy I'll dance waltz with, and we'll have only a couple of days to learn how to do it.
My Italian friend Antonio asked me, what is "prima coniugazione". Do I really correspond with Italian??

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