I've been thinking what I wrote you almost every day here? What silly words did I put here? I grow thinking that it's kinda stupid describing the weather or that I've done nothing during the day, but anyhow I keep on doing that and it calms me down with the thought that I do write s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g. Well, it did, 'cause now you must have noticed that my posts are published really rarely, when I have no one to speak out to or I've saved enough news to tell. Writing has become not a pure aim, but a way of sharing my inner world with the outer one.
Sometimes I receive the inspiration and write drafts for stories. They're not completed for sure and are pretty dumb, but they are something, it's a start. I'm still waiting for a moment of the true inspiration to write something fully. From time to time I get ideas, but then my idleness works or my self-confidence doesn't work right and break the Internet any plans.
My education for this academic year is almost over, it's so close to the end. The only thing I have to do is to retell some books to my teacher of foreign literature. Even though I failed my final test, she allowed me just to tell the texts not to take the exam. I'll have to answer her questions about "Romeo and Juliet" (though I read it at school, I forgot many details), "Hamlet", "King Lear" and "Othello" by Shakespeare, "Decameron" by Boccaccio, "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes and "The Dog in the Manger" by Lope de Vega. And I'm quite ready for all of them. I pray for it. I've been lazy for the whole semester and hardly read anything, so now I deserve to suffer and read all this things. Actually I've watched some of the plays to make my life easier. But I really enjoyed reading "The Dog in the Manger" and ended up laughing at "Romeo and Juliet" - how stupidly things turned out to be! Still I'm not a fan of Shakespeare, no. But read some literature, it makes you smarter, guys!
The song of the day will be a cool Italian song "L'Amore Essiste" by Francesca Michielin. It says that love doesn't have sense, it has neither name, nor eyes, but nevertheless it exists, and you can run into it all of the sudden, when you even don't think of it.
Be brave to believe in love
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