Nowadays I'm free from my studying, from exams, from anything (except for some tutoring werq, of course). So I decided that I don't want to let my body and brains destroy themselves. Hence, I committed myself to a 30-day yoga challenge (yaaaaas!) and I remembered about the book I had bought ~omg~ 5 years ago in the United God-bless-them States of America. It's Room to Write by Bonni Goldberg, I must have written about it here a thousand times.
I tried to follow it some years ago in Russian, but I gave up right after the 1st post. So now I feel like giving it another try, but in the language of William Shakespear and Beyoncé now. I've decided to call it Room to Write Project because for me it's a real project. I'll be writing a task given me in the book, then I will or will not add some stories from the life that I have now. I'll title my posts according to the titles of the tasks. Only today the title is different 'cause, umm, you know, it's the first one in a long time. But I'm giving the task's title below anyway. Nevertheless, give me a chance.
Memory Is Imagination
I remember writing here every day to develop my English skills in the beginning, then - just for fun. It brought me so much joy and pleasure. Understanding that I could express my thoughts in another language (sometimes even better than in my native language), it made me so happy! It still does. Somehow, I let my blog alone, buried it in the lack of time and under 'more important' stuff. I remember I wanted my blog to be big and important, maybe even profitable. But everything needs patience and hard work I didn't wanna put in.
I remember living without a roommate for 2 months at the beginning of this academic year. When I arrived on campus in September, I lived with a pregnant Colombian girl for about a week. Then she fled somewhere I didn't know to give birth to her baby. That's how I was blessed to live without anyone else in my room for 2 months. However, when I left the dorm for the weekend, I tried to leave the room clean in case my new roommate would arrive so she would do it in a clean room.
However! My new roommate appeared in the middle of the week close to the end of the semester when I didn't wait for anybody and was already sure that no one would be moved in my room till the end of the exams session. So I had to run around the room trying to cram all my belongings into the space given to one person (there is a place for 2 persons in our room, so I had been using almost all of it). The girl is a freshman (or freshwoman, modern world), so I think it's okay she has no experience of living independently. But I think she also has no common sense and logic. When we started living together, she would bring all her friends in the room after I went to sleep. They would be whispering to each other. I was like, "Is it okay for you to whisper all along?" No one dared answer. I insisted, "No, really, tell me, is it okay for you?" My roommate's boyfriend acted as the bravest, "Yes". And I cut him, "BUT IT'S NO FOR ME". And then crept from the room apologizing.
It wasn't the last time her boyfriend had to apologize because for a long time he made himself home in our room. I was patient enough, considering it was just a dormitory life. But I ran out of my patience when that fucking boyfriend took my pan's glass top without my permission and broke it! And neither my roommate nor her boyfriend told me about it until I was looking for the top the next day. Moreover, they announced me that via a text. Even though they had at least 3 chances to tell me that in person. It means that both of them just don't have balls to speak truth face to face. Still, as we've been living together for more than a month, my roommate would rather text me than tell me something or suggest something in person. My friends and I think she's afraid of me. Well, I don't mind if she is, I don't mind if she isn't. The only thing I know for sure is that I can't bear her sweet-sweet boyfriend who, I reckon, just hasn't come out of the closet. #BOOM
I remember before my school practice and moving into the campus this academic year I lived independently in the apartment. It was given to me by Uncle Alik, and I lived there only for a little more than two weeks, so I didn't pay for almost anything, I only bought food and things I needed for living myself. It was a little (not tiny, tho) apartment in a pretty nice district of Vladivostok, both quite close to the urban center and to my bf's place, so it was easy and fast for him to get to me. It was a wonderful time full of fun, sun and relax. Even though for a couple of days there was no water due to some repair work. Nevertheless, now I dream, if I get into the Master's here in Vladivostok, I would love to rent this little apartment, even with payment. It was perfect for me, although its design is quite old-fashioned. Very.
To be honest, these memories are pretty recent. They only happened as far as in September. It's like I'm filling you in with the info that I missed writing here (except for impromptu apologizing for leaving my blog lonely). Perhaps, that's for good because if I try to remember something earlier, high chances I wrote about it. I know the task wanted me to write more or to imagine something as if it were my memory. But it's fucking 1:30 am. I'd rather go to sleep.
But I need you to know that I'm SO GLAD to be back.
As I do it - be brave!
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