Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rain In December

Today I feel different feelings. The start of the day has been nice! My literature Olimpiad's been pretty easy and generally I really like it. I wonder if I get to the regional step. And then I've spent all my time before tutor's lesson in my bed.
But then it has become. Rain. RAIN. RAAAIIIIINNN!!! IT IS RAIN IN DECEMBER! And it's still raining right now! HOOOOOW?

All my feelings about that bitch ("And by bitch I mean this rain")

After my English lesson I've gone to my mom's work as usual to go home together with mom. And near their porch there's almost a skating rink! There's already been ice on the ground  and plus pouring rain from above! Therefore my mom and I have fallen from our feet, and mom has done it for 2 times! Oooh, it's so painful!
Tomorrow I'll go to the sociology Olimpiad, and I don't care much of it. No, I don't care not because I know it, just because I don't care of sociology. LOL
On Sunday I decided I'll pass literature as an exam next year. It means I must start working hard.
Because of it's pouring rain outside and my mood's not so good, let's get it up and listen to funny song "Raining Men"! And you can understand it's the song of the day.

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